YES! Article archive

Pedro Dos Santos, a Landless Workers Movement member, tills dirt with a young person on Dos Santos' land in Brazil.

Grappling With Growth

If the idea of growth itself is neutral, what can we build from the ashes of our individual lives and losses that strengthens the whole?
Evette Dionne
"Robot dogs" like this one built by Boston Dynamics, have been used by police departments in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York.

The Risky Rise of AI

Who controls the reins of artificial intelligence will determine whether it serves us all or the wealthy few.
Greg Ruggiero


Dani McClain reports on race, parenting, and reproductive health. Her writing has appeared in outlets including The New York Times, TIME, The Atlantic, Harper’s Bazaar, and Colorlines. Her work has
YES! Editors

Outgrowing the Growth Imperative

Dear Reader,  I was an economics major in college. When I was taught that economies had to keep growing or face a spiraling collapse, I had questions. Under capitalism, economic
Christine Hanna
A photo of YES! supporter Ken Lebensold

Why I Give

Ken Lebensold of Deep Gap, North Carolina, is an avid YES! Magazine reader who has been supporting YES! since 2002. How did you discover YES!?While I lived in Oakland, California,
YES! Editors
A group of people toast with several colorful cocktails and pints of beer. The people are smiling and the sun is shining.


Watering holes nourish our bodies, our minds, and our communities.
Alicia Kennedy
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