YES! for Teachers brings solutions for a better world into classrooms nationwide. We are dedicated to deepening your students’ connection with contemporary issues and inspiring them to take charge of—not be overwhelmed by—their world.
Here are some of our education resources:
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Teachers save 50% on a YES! Magazine subscription. - Student Writing Lessons
Search no more! We’ve done the work for you. Each ready-to-write lesson has a YES! story (non-fiction text), compelling writing prompt, and sample essays. An invitation for your students to contemplate how their values, opinions, and actions fit into their world. - “Let’s Talk About” Collections
Uneasy talking about controversial topics like school shootings or #MeToo with your students? You supply the courage. We supply the resources that offer multiple perspectives—and get to the truth. - E-Newsletter
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About YES! Media
YES! Media is a nonprofit, independent publisher of solutions journalism. Through rigorous reporting on the positive ways communities are responding to social problems and insightful commentary that sparks constructive discourse, YES! Media inspires people to build a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world.